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Sales Platforms

by the end of this integration your platform will allow users to connect Cleap Stores and start interacting with their customers in various ways.

API v2.0 Documentation

cleap api is seamless, hassle free, simple to understand and will quickly integrate into your system.

1st step

Store Registration

Use RegisterStore() for a seamless quick registration. ​Please save the response containing StoreKey to Communicate with Cleap later on.

2nd step

Send Deals

At the end of each purchase please prompt a phone request and send the deal to cleap by using the SendDeals() call.

3. Store Ownership

Use LinkStore() to get a ReferenceKey & Display the user with a QR containing the ReferenceKey, so the user will scan it in the cleap stores app.

(user optional)​

4. Deal Status

Depending on the deal status the consumer will receive a digital receipt, ready-for-pickup or delivery-on-it's-way notifications.. you can always update a deal status or details by resending the SendDeals() call.

(user optional)​


File Name




Cleap Login Button Sets

These buttons will use you to start interaction with cleap app requests by your user.


Status Options List  01/05/2021

The status field is very important for client notifications. each status means a different notification.


API Diagram

This Diagram will assist you in visually understand this API in an instant.


for further inquiries reach us at:

Send Receipts
using cleap!

At the end of each purchase please prompt a phone request and send a digital receipt using cleap.

Receive your Platform unique Access token

Sales Platform access token

Add stores to Receive their Store key

Every store owns a unique StoreKey

Send digital receipts

using your AccessToken and StoreKey

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