Meet the Team

Zeev Braude
Hi Tech Veteran

Aviv Abecasis
Product Lead

Nir Avidan
Marketing & Sales

Anatoly Rotman
Software Engineer

Eli Smargon
Software Engineer

Erez Lahav
Business Advisor

Patrick Simon Bouaziz
Business Development

Yair Geva
We know commerce, We serve commerce, We love commerce people!
This task force owns a combined 30 years of experience in the POS industry, Advertising Firms & Software Development.
Evolution of Advertising
It all started with Sellers looking to reach as many Buyers as they can.
When the internet came suddenly Buyers started looking for Sellers.
Then social networks arrived and once again Sellers was looking for Buyers,
only now for specific groups of Buyers.
Today’s Technology enables Online Sellers to reach specific Buyers who reacted with the Seller at some point and reach them with personalized ad content,
this is called behavioral retargeting.
And everybody assumed behavioral retargeting was the end of the road
and may the best algorithm win.
Cleap will be the next generation of advertising technology.

The Playground
& this is how we connect your store assets to online advertising platforms.
Our advanced algorithms will connect your offline customers with an online personalized engagement in the best possible timing with the best available content while measuring conversion in real-time.

Our Story
We give tools to physical store owners who seek to engage with their customers. We give them key advertising metrics they should be tracking. We give them growth.

Investing in Your Future
It is well known that physical commerce is the lion share of the commerce sector, so why they are advertising only 10% of what their e-commerce online fellows.
Cleap is even challenging cutting edge E-Commerce advertising tools with it's “Selective Targeting” based on autonomous big data audience sharing.
Want to hear more about our roadmap to becoming a key player in the global advertising industry?